may-june: kerri’s whiskey-infused ice cream sundae

The past couple of months have seen quite a huge change for me – we moved from Singapore to London! It’s been quite the adventure so far, moving from our apartment to a hotel in Singapore, to temporary accommodation in London, within which we moved to a smaller apartment while we wait to move to our permanent address next week! Within a 9 week period, we would have moved 5 times!

So it’s within this framework that I did this challenge. The kitchen offerings in our temporary accommodation are quite basic (I even had to buy my own vegetable peeler, chopping board and dish rack!), so I didn’t have much to work with. But I imagine there are many of us who find themselves in the same position at one time or another, whether you are travelling, in transition, or just don’t have much.

Having less presents more of a challenge to cooking / baking, so sometimes you just have to cheat. By cheat, I mean go to the store and buy some ready made products. You could leave it at that, but if you want to add a personal touch, then condiments are your way to go.


I found an easy recipe for candied whiskey nuts. To be honest, these are best eaten on their own, if you definitely want to taste the whiskey. It gets a little lost when added to other ingredients, but on their own, they’re quite moreish!


And what is a sundae without {chocolate} sauce? A basic chocolate sauce is one of the easiest things to make, and with this one, you just add in the whiskey at the end.


So you’ve got your two homemade condiments ready. Now it’s time to put everything together. And this is where store-bought becomes key. You can buy whatever ice cream you want, whatever other add-ins you want (here, we just added brownies). Put it all together and voila, you have a decadent dessert with a personal touch, indulgent and that little bit naughty with the added whiskey. Yum.


You can find the recipes here:
Candied Whiskey Nuts
Chocolate Whiskey Sauce