Category Archives: #38 july-august: raw

july-august: kerri’s raw caramel slice

I must admit, I found this challenge a bit difficult. Mainly because all the raw sweets I had tried, I didn’t really like all that much. I combed through the internet, reading up recipes and looking for something I thought might turn out somewhat yummy to me. On the bright side, though, I was looking forward to something that, if yummy, would be a healthy dessert and / or snack that I could enjoy every once in a while, an indulgence without any ‘should I have’s?’ later.

The end of the month was coming up quickly, and I had spent too long trying to find something to make. So I turned to a trusted source, and voila, found a recipe where I could find the ingredients easily, as well as being quick and easy to make. So thanks, Donna Hay!


This recipe comes in 3 short steps, which made it perfect to do in between other things. A bit like a multi-tasker’s dream recipe. The first two steps use the food processor, and I didn’t even bother to clean the bowl in between. Just as I was finishing the 2nd step, my food processor decided to die. Thankfully, the mixture was processed enough!

DH recommends freezing the slice for 10 minutes before slicing, but that was not enough time for my top layer to set enough to cut without making a sticky mess. So I decided to just leave it in there and try the slice the next day.

And YES, it was good! It doesn’t taste like a traditional caramel slice, more like a sweet, nutty, chewy (as in caramel chewy) snack that’s great to serve with tea or coffee. I’m actually thinking it would be a great petit four, because {even} I find it a bit sweet to have more than a bite sized serve. But if your sweet tooth is sweeter than mine, go ahead, have a big slice :)

So I’ve decided to keep the whole pan in the freezer and nibble. I think it’s a great thing to have a stash in there for unexpected guests, or for those times you crave a sweet treat but haven’t got anything in the pantry. And the great thing about it – it’s a low GI, healthy, indulgent treat. Now that’s something to smile about!

You can find the recipe here.


It was with some hesitation that I ventured into the world of raw desserts… sceptical about recipes raving about how beetroot and chocolate mud cakes were interchangeable, or the virtues of cashew cream pies (unbaked and grain free of course). My adventurous side was up for a challenge, but I wanted something that would actually get eaten by my even more doubtful family and friends, so I thought I’d tackle the well trodden path of the humble bliss ball- especially since they seem to be at every cafe about town these days. 

I contemplated quite a few of these recipeshowever in the end, the words “ferrero rocher” caught my eye… and with a simple 4 ingredient list, it was off to the shops I go. 


What these recipes should warn you though, is that the recipe may call for only four ingredients, but the cost of said ingredients would end up being as much if not more, than the sum of their counterparts! Im happy to pay more for organic, and believe in good produce, but I can’t lie, part of me wanted to just go down and grab actual ferrero rochers and be done with it! 

Pressing on though, the recipe itself was simple- toast of nutty meal here, chops of dates there and a good old pulsing of the blender was pretty much all that was required. Initial smells and tastes were also incredibly promising – with a hazelnut chocolateness building in the air, my hopes rose, perhaps there was something to these bliss balls! 


However I did find the mixture much crumblier and therefore, messier than anticipated when I attempted to roll the mixture into balls in my hand. I needed to add a bit of honey and about a spoonful of additional slightly melted coconut oil in order to coax the texture to combine together. Other recipes call for coconut cream instead of oil and I could see the virtue in that.


So, the verdict? The initial bite was definitely a pleasant surprise and they do satisfy the desire for a nutty chocolate fix. I have even decided to try a few more of the bliss ball recipes I came across in my search. However, I think for me it will always be Ferrero Rocher over Ferrero RAWcher. 


You can find the recipe here.

july – august: raw

Whether you’re eating food with as little heat interference as possible, or using ingredients with as little to no processing as possible, going raw is quite the rage at the moment. So we thought we’d take on this challenge for raw desserts! Stay tuned as we do some searching and creating for you!